Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Yesterday was my first day in the classroom. I'm not sure I have what it takes! Why do I hate teaching yet keep pushing myself to do it? Is it the challenge? I dont' think so, because I hate the challenging parts of it! I'm not sure if I'm confusing my love of learning with a love of teaching. Or maybe it's just that I want to travel, so I feel like I'm doing so vicariously through the students who come here to study ESL? I bet it is the fact that there are teachers who make it look so easy and sound so fun...I want to get a piece of what they are experiencing! Probably a little of all of the above.

I could have kicked myself yesterday for starting work 5 days after moving across country. It has been so stressful! But if I want a job year-round, the best time to start is in July when they desperately need teachers. I love the school I work at. It is pretty much the best environment a new ESL teacher could ask for-in an urban mini-mall in the heart of Harvard Square. Lots of fun shops and restaurants for our students (and me!) to enjoy. The bus from my house drops me right across the street!

I think Boston is the city where they invented that saying "Every cloud has a silver lining." There are lots of nice clouds here. (San Diego has a dirth of clouds.) Did I tell you that the church we visited on Sunday listed, "My country 'tis of thee" in the bulletin as a hymn last week because the hymn had been written there in that church about 200 years ago? Amazing.

But back to teaching, do I want to continue until fall? Only time/God will tell. Who knows what I'll end up doing. Hopefully not something that involves hours of prep each day, a lot of stressful suspense wondering if my audience is going to buy my "product" for the day, not to mention 1,000 daily photocopies on the school's measly ONE machine. Sigh...

Thank you for reading, Julie. ;)

1 comment:

Julie Handel said...

I'm a few days late but thanks for the update :) I can't imagine students not being spellbound by your amazing personality if not your bounteous photocopies.